About UBIS
The UBIS DNA is composed of two main factors: real world experience and flexibility
Due to its extensive experience UBIS has for years been able to deliver highly effective training programs to students and organizations. The UBIS menu offers a wide variety of specific topics that can be customized to meet the specific requirements of the attendees.
The UBIS International Network permits us to build up-to-date programs with reputable experts that generate value to the participants (i.e., Oil and Gas Certificates with partners in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan or International Finance in Geneva).
The UBIS Faculty Body is principally composed by professors that not only have academic credentials but also a proven history within the business world (i.e., some of them successfully running their own business and others with extraordinary careers within the corporate world).
When preparing an Executive Training Programs these factors are of great importance: The right expertise combined with the right professionals in order to communicate knowledge in an appropriate and effective manner.
At UBIS we are proud of our DNA and we want you to experience it.
Continuing Professional Development at UBIS
UBIS delivers a variety of professional training programs delivered as standard courses or tailored to the specific needs and interests of audience. Here is a list of a few recently delivered short courses:
Short descriptions of a selection of courses:
UBIS Leadership Program (3 days)
- Leadership Environment and Identity
- Leadership Qualities, Competencies, and Responsibilities
- Leader Recruitment and Development
- Leadership for Fostering Change
Developing Leadership or Building Managers (1day)
- Leaders vs Managers
- Competencies & Leadership assessment
- Talent, Pipelines & Performance Management
This course aims to:
- Understand the difference between a leader and a manager
- Understand great leadership behaviors & competencies
- Understand how to evaluate and subsequently develop leaders
- Understand some aspects of talent and leadership pipelines
Advanced Management Program (lengths depending on the topics chosen)
- A senior perspective on the evolution of Companies over the last 40 years.
- Strategic approach and business models; the key role of strategic planning
- Charting a company’s direction: mission and vision, objectives, risks, strategy, action plan.
- Evaluating a company’s external and internal environment (advantages and risks).
- Evaluating a company’s resources, risk factors, capabilities and competitiveness.
- Strengthening a company’s competitive position.
- Strategies for competing in international markets and the risk factors.
- Corporate strategy: diversification and the multi-business company.
- Ethics, CSR (to be expanded through several key points), environmental sustainability and
- Building an organization capable of good strategy execution.
- Managing internal operations.
- Corporate culture and leadership.
Marketing (length depending on the topics chosen)
- Leadership through Marketing
- Strategic Marketing
- Digital Marketing Strategy
- Marketing in a Digital World
- Social Media Marketing
- Marketing Mix fundamentals & Implementation
- Foundations of Marketing Research/Analytics
- The Marketing Plan
- Growth Marketing
- Strategy of content Marketing
- Market Research and Consumer/Client Behavior
- Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurs
- Marketing Management
- From marketing to Research & Development
- Corporate and Product Brand Strategy
- Corporate Brand Management
- Activation of Brand Communications
- Strategic Marketing and Personal Branding
- International B2B Marketing
- Positioning: The main element of marketing strategy
- Key Account Management process
- E-Marketplaces and Commerce fundamentals
Digital Transformation
- Customer experience digitalization
- Corporate control digitalization
- Distribution digitalization
- Sales & Marketing digitalization
- Digital fulfilment
- Risk optimization
Systemic Service Design (1 day to 1 week)
This training course content helps explore responses to the following questions:
- What is the “service paradigm” and the “service-dominant logic”? How can these new perspectives help us redefine products and services?
- Why should design be viewed as creating “significance”? what’s in common between “design” and “significance”?
- Where do “design ideas” come from? How can we tap into our creative potentialities when it comes to designing new services and improving existing ones?
- What systems principles should we internalize before embarking on a service design undertaking?
- How can we utilize systems perspectives to bridge the gap between technical aspects of a service and the perceptions and emotions of the service users?
- What is a “service prototype”? How can we develop a prototype of a service?
- How do we distinguish between “objective”, “inter-subjective” and “subjective” dimensions of a service? Why are making such distinctions crucial?
- How can we systematically identify innovation and improvement opportunities in the design of a service?
- How can systems thinking help us conceptualize and visualize the relationships between the “service provider” and “the service users”?
- What are the imperatives of designing a robust “service ecosystem”?
- Why should we extend the notion of the “service customer” to include “users”, “influencers” and “customers of the customers”?
The Odyssey of an Entrepreneur (1 day to 1 week)
Drawing the analogy between the worlds of mythology and entrepreneurship enables you to:
- Examine your inner drives and desires for becoming an entrepreneur.
- Identify the heralds of change presenting you with an invitation or challenge to face the unknown world of entrepreneurship and business creation.
- Acknowledge the disorienting and unsettling nature of transitioning from your comfort zones to the unknown world of entrepreneurship.
- Recognize the nature and the role of mentors that can get you past the disorientation and on the right track to the brink of your adventure.
- Learn about observation points to get information about microcosm of the unknown world of entrepreneurship.
- Understand the relation between you and the products and services you are creating.
- Get acquainted with the types of obstacles, problems and challenges that entrepreneurs face in various phases of their journey.
- Learn how to examine, assess and face the obstacles and roadblocks facing you in your journey.
- Appreciate the role of setbacks and failures in learning and growth processes that enhance your products and services and result in your transformation.
Learning Design For Millennials (1 -3 days)
Rethinking learning design gains increasing significance, once we consider the key characteristics of Millennials, such as their need for excitement, their digital and fast-paced lives, their quest for practicality and interactivity, as well as their aspiration for creating meaning through their education and future careers.
This training course explores responses to the following questions:
- How do we know teaching is the right career for us?
- Are teaching and learning different sides of the same coin?
- How can we design a self-organizing learning environment?
- Why can Microsoft PowerPoint be an impediment to learning? What are the alternatives to using slides?
- Why is peer instruction important? How can it benefit learning design?
- Why does gamification matter? How can we develop simple and effective games to create a fun and profound learning experience?
- Why is it worth knowing about the Kolb Cycle? How can we apply it in learning design?
- What is contextualization? How can it add significance to the learning process?
- What alternative modes of performance evaluation exist? How can these create more value compared to conventional examinations?
- Why are questions important? How can they be used toward creating dialogue-based learning?
- What is the “by-product effect”? Why do we need it in designing learning for soft skills?
- Why are creating inter-disciplinary connections crucial? How can we create meaningful connections between course materials and everyday life activities, in addition to other courses or disciplines?
- Why should we pay more attention to our intuition? How can we help the learners in developing their intuition?
- Why should our quest for learning design be viewed as venturing on an odyssey? Why do we need to design a learning odyssey for the students?