Distance and Online Education (synchronous and asynchronous teaching) paired with questions relating to interculturality and multilingualism in a global business environment
Hybrid education, with innovative delivery methods has long been part of UBIS practices. In recent times, education has fundamentally changed with evolving technology, both for distant and online teaching. This has allowed some applied research to be carried out regarding in-house best practices. With the Covid-19 pandemic, educational technology has become even more essential to any educational institution. UBIS is focusing on lessons learned both before and during Covid-19. Another interesting aspect is that — while the institution’s sole language of teaching is English — the majority of UBIS students are not native English speakers. Research around multilingualism in education is therefore relevant, especially when it is paired with the analysis and use of digital technologies serving education. Finally, it should be noted that the reality of students is very different depending on where they live. While technology is to be considered a normal reality in the Northern hemisphere, realities look somewhat differently in other parts of the globe. This has implications when it comes to teaching, as well as UBIS’ multinational student and faculty body. The experience-based constituency is a very pool of hands-on knowledge for applied studies on the availability, suitability and pertinence of different online and off-line teaching methodologies.Recent publications:
- Alba, M., Experience Festival. The virtual conference for digital inspiration. Online Training hosted by Adobe, London, England, 2019.
- Alba, M., Creating Impact for Adolescent Girls’ Education. Global Business Coalition for Education & UN Global Compact. New York, US, 2015.
- Krebs V., White Book for Information and Communication Technologies for Education (ICTE) of the International Institute of Lancy (IIL), translator and editor of the English version, 2015.
- Krebs V., trained community interpreters of the Croix-Rouge Genevoise in intercultural communication and trialog, 2014, 2015, 2016.
- Krebs V., MigraLingua: community interpreting and socio-cultural communication for and with migrants, ed. UNESCO Russian Federation, Ugra Global Expert Meeting on Multilingualism in Cyberspace, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, 2015/6.
Recent other research activities:
- Education and Online learning, two-day retreat with global participation of UBIS students and faculty, 2-3 October 2020, Bern, Switzerland.
- Subramaniam S., Cybersecurity Consultant and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Internet Safety and Cyber Awareness, International Webinar, 5 September 2020.
- Golnam A., Systems Thinking: What is it? What can I do with it? International Webinar, 10 June 2020.
- Krebs V., Speaker in Pivot to Virtual Education Forum, Netplatform24, 1st April 2020.
- Alba, M., Helping SMES Generate Export Business International Trade Centre (ITC) Geneva, Switzerland, 2015.
- Alba, M., Building a Trade Information Service, International Trade Centre (ITC) Geneva, Switzerland, 2015.
- Alba, M. Setting up an Export Marketing Strategy. International Trade Centre (ITC) Geneva, Switzerland, 2015.
- Krebs V., International Institute of Lancy (IIL), Lecturer and training of 60 teachers on the topic of “Digital Citizenship”, 2016.
- Krebs V., Communications strategies in Business and Health, University of Geneva, 2013, 2014, 2017.
Past publications:
- Krebs V., “Bilinguisme, interculturalité et communication politique.” L’anglais et les cultures: Carrefour ou frontière? Droit et Cultures, l’Harmattan, Paris, 54, 2007/2.
- Krebs V., “Bilinguisme, interculturalité et communication politique: résistances à l’éducation bilingue en Suisse et en Californie.” Master degree thesis, Sciences of Communication and Media, available at the library of Sociology, University of Geneva, 2000.
- Krebs V., “Le bilinguisme dans les écoles en Suisse, une utopie, un rêve, une nécessité?” Mémoire de licence ès lettres, sociolinguistique. Disponible à la bibliothèque Thibaudet. University of Geneva, 1998.
Past other research activities:
- Krebs V., UNESCO Multilingualism Expert Meeting, Presenter, Paris, 2014.

Digital Strategies and Cybersecurity
While a separate topic, this theme is connected to education and technology, as described above. There are eight quickly evolving major areas relating to digital security and these areas coincide with areas of concern within the educational system. UBIS faculty have expertise and connections in the digital strategies and cybersecurity field.Recent publications:
- Ang T., Factors Influencing Attitude and Intention Towards Adoption of Mobile Banking in Myanmar International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development Volume 12, Issue 3, July-September 2020.
Recent conferences and publications:
- Krebs V., Speaker in Routable debate, ‘Démocratie, environnement et réseaux sociaux’, UNESCO Chair of Strasbourg, Forum mondial de la démocratie, 16 November 2020.
- Krebs V., Web Strategies and Cybersecurity in Current Times, International Webinar, 10 June 2020.
- Krebs V., Speaker, ‘Digital Threats & E-Reputation’, Webster University Conference, 2019.
- Krebs V., Speaker, ‘Youtube entre contenus citoyens, droits d’auteurs et recettes publicitaires: quels enjeux pour quel avenir?’ Youtube, l’information et la citoyenneté, Forum mondial de la démocratie 2019, Université de Strasbourg, 2019.
- Krebs V., Cybervolontariat: un concept et des actions, Définition d’un type de cyberaction, in ‘Bénévolat, lien social et numérique’, Les Cahiers du Numérique, éd. Lavoisier, 2017/2 (Vol. 13).
Recent other research activities:
- Krebs V., Speaker, Member of the Organizing Board, Citizenship in the digital era. National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). International Conference “Improving Society, Develop Human Values”, European University for Volunteering. Moscow, Russia, 2019.
- Krebs V., led Swiss part of European training program for the Generation+ using digital technologies, ACTing, involving organizations from four European countries, 2014, 2015.
Past other research activities:
- Krebs V., UNESCO Multilingualism Expert Meeting, Presenter, Paris, 2014.
Past publications:
- Krebs V., “Cybervolontariat : Socio-pragmatique d’une activité citoyenne au XXI siècle.” PhD thesis, Sciences of Information and Communications, Université de Strasbourg. 2014.
- Krebs V., Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of cybervolunteers in an applied distributed computing environment, in Freiwilligenarbeit zwischen Freiheit und Professionalisierung, ed. Dr. Georg von Schnurbein, Daniel Wiederkehr, and Herbert Ammann, ed. Seismo, Zurich, 2013, pp. 340-352.
- Krebs V., contributed to Monitoring the WSIS Targets, A mid-term review, World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report 2010, International Telecommunication Union, 2010.
Past other research activities:
- Krebs V., Speaker, Internet Governance Forum, Vilnius Lithuania 2010, Hyderabad India 2009, Sharm El Sheikh Egypt 2008.
- Krebs V., led AgriGuide and E-TIC conferences and project, project financed by Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) and the governments of Senegal and Mali, 2010-2013.
- Krebs V., Speaker, UNESCO Information Technology Conferences, Paris, 2013, 2012, 2006.
- Krebs V., Strategy Council of the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID). Member of the Executive Committee, 2006-2011.
- Krebs V., World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Representative and Speaker for the Civil Society Bureau (Geneva, Tunis), 2003-2005.

Human Rights and Business Ethics
Geneva has been baptized the ‘Capital of Human Rights’. This is because it is the home of many human rights-based organizations, including the UN High Commission on Human Rights (UNHCHR). Geneva also welcomes many entities focusing on business ethics, ethical finance and corporate social responsibility. These themes are very relevant to UBIS’ educational mission and are amenable to applied research assisted by information technology.Recent publications:
- Alba M., Chadda S., SIDS in the international sustainable framework. Mauritius: A business case. ISBN: 9788417129217. Valencia, June 2017.
- Alba M. et al., Libro Blanco sobre Gestión de Oficinas de Transparencia. Procedimientos y casos de estudio para universidades públicas. (A white paper on corporate governance. Procedures and case studies for Public Universities). Valencia, January 2016. ISBN: 9788473514668.
- Alba M., Estudio de la marca país en el siglo XXI: Un enfoque holístico de gestión de marcas territoriales (Study on the country brand in the XXI century: A holistic approach on the territorial brand management). ISBN: 9788415986966. Valencia, June 2015.
Recent other research activities:
- Krebs V. and students actively participated and contributed to the UNISDR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and World Bank Fourth World Reconstruction, International Conference Center, Geneva, 2019.
- Krebs V., Participant, UNISDR Technology Conference, International Conference Center, 2016.
Past other research activities:
- Krebs V., Ethical Fashion. Project financed by SECO (Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs), implemented under the coordination of the International Trade Center (ITC), in collaboration with the University of Geneva and ECOS. Responsible for communication and documentation, video production in Ghana, Italy and Switzerland. Study on ethical fashion, 2012-2015.
- Krebs V., Speaker, SIGEF, Social Innovation and Ethics Forum, International Conference Center Geneva, 2014.
- Krebs V., lead Ghana Ethical Fashion training for young designers, Accra, Ghana, 2014.
- Krebs V., Participant, World Investment Forum, UNCTAD, 2014.
- Krebs V., representative of one of the creators and implementors of the Ethical Fashion project and conferences, International Trade Center, Accra Ghana and Bamako, Mali, 2012, 2014.
- Krebs V., Participant, Ethical Fashion conference, International Trade Center, Rio de Janeiro, 2012.

Business and Diplomacy and connections to ILO (International Labor Organization), WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), the WEF (World Economic Forum) and WTO (World Trade Organization)
UBIS is located at the cross-roads of business and diplomacy. These are large, intersecting fields of research, particularly suitable for UBIS, which has graduate degree programs in business and in international relations. Recent publications: This research area has newly been integrated into UBIS’ research strategy given the program areas of the institution.Recent publications:
- H.E. Rybchenko A., Ambassador of Ukraine in the Swiss Confederation, International Webinar, Diplomacy Today: Role of Communication and Business Strategies, 25 June 2020.
- Krebs V. and students participated in WIPO Intellectual Property Training for Academics, Geneva, 2019.
- Study visits to WTO, tpg, Swiss Tourism with Executive training group of government leaders from Vietnam, Quảng Ninh Province, 2019.
Past other research activities:
- Krebs V. External Staff for the Regional Networks Unit, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Davos, 1996, 1997, 2001.

Sustainable Development, Business Ethics and Innovation
Sustainability is a cross-cutting topic of major concern to a wide variety of businesses and organizations. It is a lively research area in which some UBIS faculty are already directly and indirectly involved. Developing economies are faced particularly with the challenges relating to sustainable development.Recent publications:
- Alba, M., The profit of the tourism potential toward economic development. ISBN: 9788415986966. Valencia, June 2016.
- Alba M. et al., Libro Blanco sobre Gestión de Oficinas de Transparencia. Procedimientos y casos de estudio para universidades públicas. (A white paper on corporate governance. Procedures and case studies for Public Universities). Valencia, January 2016. ISBN: 9788473514668.
- Oh J., & Thant K.C., The Impact of Myanmar’s Trade Liberalization on the Country’s International Trade Environment: A Gravity Approach. Journal of Applied Econometrics and International Development July-December 2016.
- Isukul A., Chizea J. J., Ikechi Agbugba., Economic Diversification in Nigeria: Lessons from Other Countries of Africa Development Bank of Nigeria Journal of Economics and Sustainable Growth 2019.
Past publications:
- Alba M., Estudio de la marca país en el siglo XXI: Un enfoque holístico de gestión de marcas territoriales (Study on the country brand in the XXI century: A holistic approach on the territorial brand management). ISBN: 9788415986966. Valencia, June 2015.
- Alba M., Epistemological fundamentals of the country brand study in the 21st century. From the destination brand to the concept of the new public diplomacy. ISBN: 9788461684199 (PhD Thesis). Madrid, May 2014.
- Krebs V. et al., WSIS Stocktaking: Success Stories 2012, e-Environment: GreenVoice, International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Geneva, 2012, pp. 72-82.
- Krebs V. et al., Documentary ‘Agriculture de demain’, a documented field study about agricultural practices in Mali and Senegal, West Africa, ICV, 2012.
- Alba M., “The country brand. The intangible asset and its legal protection”. ISSN: 1988-2629. No. 8. Dec.-Feb., 2012.
Past other research activities:
- Krebs V., Speaker, Swiss Philanthropy Forum, Business and Corporate Social Responsibility, Geneva, 2014.
- Krebs V., World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Awards, Winner of Award for e-environment, 2012.

Strategy and International Business
With a multinational student body, strategy and international business is an important mainstay research repertoire. In a global market place, managing international growth is a key challenge for firms, whether for smaller entrepreneurial ventures or for larger well-established corporations. Managers in these firms need to deal with complex issues related to foreign direct investment and diverse regulatory environments, strategic positioning in different markets, the creation and management of organizational structures that support international business, and taking leadership for activities across national boundaries.Past publications:
- Golnam A., Ritala P., & Wegmann A., Co-operation within and between Value Networks – A Typologyand a Modeling Framework” International Journal of Business Environment Vol. 6 No. 1 2014.
- Jasso S., The Economics of Medical Tourism: Risks, Drivers, and a Framework for Exporting Joint Replacement (with Andrew Yun, M.D). International Journal of Strategic Management. Volume 14, (3), 2014, pp. 171-177.
- Jasso S., Toward Corporate Preeminence: The Greatness of Corporate Soul – Philosophy for Business. January, 2012, Issue 71. ISSN 2043-0736.
- Jasso S., Harnessing Enterprise and Risk in the Era of Political Economy. Philosophy for Business. October, 2011, Issue 69. ISSN 2043-0736.
- Co-authored the report for SME Corp Malaysia (government agency) in conjunction with the University of Oxford’s Isis Enterprise (Oxentia) on Strategies to Support the Internationalization of Malaysia LED Firms 2012-2013.
- Kewley S., Japanese Investment and the Euro Debate European Business Journal Issue 4 2001.
- Kewley S., Japanese Lobbying in the EU in Pedler (ed), European Union Lobbying (Palgrave) January 2002.
- Misère de la Finance editions L’Harmattan 2014.
Recent publications:
- Furio Perez, E., Organizational Stress of Women Managers International Journal of Business Intelligence Vol. 11 No. 1 2016.
- Jasso S., The Performance Pentagon: A New Business Model to Maximize Profitability for Advisory Services (with Richard S. Savich). Journal of International Finance Studies. Volume 20, Number 1, Dec 2020, pp. 43-54. ISSN: 1945-2950.
- Jasso S., Globalization: A Consolidation, Elucidation and Application of Context, Theory and Strategy Journal of International Business and Economics. Volume 17, Number 4, 2017, pp. 141-151 ISSN: 1544-8037.
- Jasso S., A Public Policy Analysis of the Financial Whistleblower Laws: Theory and Application of their Gaining Momentum” (with Richard S. Savich). Journal of International Finance and Economics. Volume 16, Issue 3. 2016.
- Kewley S., A Gateway to Europe? Why the United Kingdom no longer features in Japan’s strategic European ambitions (forthcoming).
- Guillard A., Le Capital Humain: Perspectives Théoriques et Applications en Gestion éditions Universitaires Européennes 2018.