UBIS Colloquium Event: Cognitive Reactive Adaptiveness of Black Men - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

UBIS Colloquium Event: Cognitive Reactive Adaptiveness of Black Men

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 – 19:00 CET / CEST
Registration Required! – Proceed at this link – spots are limited



Through a triangulation of research methods, ethnographic, qualitative and

quantitative, marginalized and successful African-American men were studied and analyzed to
determine the similarities and differences of the way the men view themselves, and their work,
and have access for certain men into the dominant culture. My findings concluded that there is a
second order oral tradition which allows successful acculturation for certain American men, like
other acculturated groups, while others remain in the first order oral tradition and confined to
marginality. And through a process I identified as “Cognitive Reactive Adaptiveness” the
successful men thrive in mainstream American society.

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