Upcoming Colloquium: Exploring Educational Psychology with Dr. Olga Burukina - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

Upcoming Colloquium: Exploring Educational Psychology with Dr. Olga Burukina


The world of higher education is constantly evolving, and understanding the psychological underpinnings of learning is more crucial than ever. UBIS is proud to host a not-to-be-missed Colloquium Event on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 7 PM CET. Our distinguished speaker, Dr. Olga Burukina, will delve into the intricate world of Educational Psychology for Key University Stakeholders.

Event Overview

Insightful Exploration of Educational Psychology

The main thrust of Dr. Burukina’s presentation will center around the fundamental concepts of educational psychology. She’ll provide invaluable insights into the psychological challenges encountered in the realms of teaching and learning within a university setting. These challenges can significantly influence the dynamics between teachers, students, and administrators, shaping the entire educational experience.

What to Expect from the Presentation

Attendees can look forward to a comprehensive overview covering:

  • Basics of human learning methods.
  • Effectiveness of educational tasks.
  • Psychological aspects impacting learning.
  • Emotional burnout in academia.
  • The rise and impact of virtual learning practices.
  • Finding personal meaning in professional training.

Addressing Challenges for Stakeholders

Dr. Burukina’s expertise will shine a light on the psychological hurdles faced by all university stakeholders: teachers, students, administrators, and researchers. Her analysis will be an invaluable tool for anyone involved in higher education.

About the Speaker: Dr. Olga Burukina

A Scholar of International Renown

Dr. Olga Burukina, a Doctor of Philology, is a graduate of 14 universities across five countries. She is the mind behind several influential academic concepts and theories, including the Concept of University Communication Capital and the Connotative Theory of Translation.

Prolific Author and Researcher

As an author of four books, a co-author of five, and with over 360 research articles to her name, Dr. Burukina’s scholarly contributions are vast. Her works, published in peer-reviewed journals and international conference collections, are well-recognized in academic circles.

Global Academic Involvement

Dr. Burukina’s global academic presence is marked by her participation in over 80 international conferences and her role in organizing 23 international scientific conferences. She has been an invited lecturer and researcher at prominent universities across Europe and the United States.

Conclusion: A Must-Attend Event for Educational Enthusiasts

This colloquium is a unique opportunity to gain insights from one of the leading minds in educational psychology. Whether you’re a student, educator, administrator, or just someone passionate about education, Dr. Burukina’s presentation is sure to enlighten and inspire.

Join us at UBIS on February 7, 2024, at 7 PM CET for an evening of learning and discovery. Contact Dr. Omari Martin for more information at omartin@ubisglobal.com .

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