The Information Technology Management Control and Audit Micro-Credential provides a concentrated perspective into the complex field of IT Management and Controls. It equips you with the skills and knowledge required by an IT professional working as a team leader, supervisor, or higher management role. This credential prepares IT professionals who need to understand the core competencies and requirements for managing IT teams in a critical environment.
MIT 660 – Information Technology Control and Audit (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MGT 608 – Management of Technology and Innovation (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MGT 641 – Ethics in Information Technology (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MIT 664 – The Secure IT Organization (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
Key Features
Four Courses – 12 US/24 ETCS Credit Hours.
Can be completed in 4 to 6 months.
Fully online with ability to take 1 or 2 courses at a time.
Tuition = $5400
Transferrable into designated graduate programs as a concentration.