The UBIS Leadership & Sustainability Micro-Credential is designed to provide students with core competencies in key areas of global business, strategic human resource management, and modern business sustainability, ethics and social responsibility. These courses are extracted directly from the core curriculum of the UBIS MBA degree program. Intended to provide a concentrated series of courses in a short accessible format that can later be applied to an MBA program.
MGT 621 Introduction to Global Business (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MGT 620 Strategic Human Resources Management (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MGT 642 Business Sustainability, Ethics and Social Responsibility (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
Key Features
Three Courses – 9 US/18 ETCS Credit Hours.
Can be completed in 3 to 5 months.
Fully online with ability to take 1 or 2 courses at a time.
Tuition = $4050
Transferrable into designated graduate programs as a concentration.
This Micro-Credential is required in the CORE MBA if a candidate would like to stack their credential into a degree program.