The Dissertation: A Key Focus in Doctorate of Business Administration Programs - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

The Dissertation: A Key Focus in Doctorate of Business Administration Programs

When considering a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) program, prospective students often inquire about concentrations in specific business fields. However, the approach at UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability challenges the traditional notion of concentrations. Instead, UBIS emphasizes that the dissertation itself becomes the primary area of concentration. In this blog, we will explore the idea that a dissertation serves as the focal point in DBA programs and discuss the benefits of this approach.

The Dissertation as the Focal Point: In DBA programs, the dissertation assumes a central role, surpassing the need for predefined concentrations. UBIS recognizes that the dissertation offers a unique opportunity for students to showcase their research, expertise, and contributions to the field of business administration.

Flexibility and Personalization: By shifting the emphasis from concentrations to the dissertation, students gain the freedom to define and shape their research according to their interests, goals, and the evolving business landscape. This approach encourages innovation, interdisciplinary exploration, and the generation of new knowledge.

Addressing Real-World Challenges: Focusing on a specific research question within the broader context of business administration enables students to tackle real-world challenges and contribute to practical solutions. Without predefined concentrations, students can adapt their research to emerging trends and make meaningful contributions to the industry.

Mentorship and Collaboration: UBIS emphasizes faculty-student mentorship, providing guidance to students as they embark on their dissertation journey. This personalized mentorship ensures that each student receives the necessary support to excel in their research endeavors. Additionally, the absence of concentrations promotes collaboration, allowing students to engage in interdisciplinary exchanges and expand their network.

Conclusion: In DBA programs, the dissertation assumes a significant role as the primary area of concentration. UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability recognizes the value of focusing on the dissertation, offering students flexibility, personalization, and the opportunity to address real-world challenges. By emphasizing mentorship and collaboration, UBIS prepares DBA graduates to become leaders who drive innovation and contribute to the field of business administration.

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