The Four Pillars of the UBIS DBA Program: Empowering Change Agents - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

The Four Pillars of the UBIS DBA Program: Empowering Change Agents

Introduction: In today’s complex and diverse world, the need for doctoral programs that nurture innovative thinkers and empower change agents is paramount. The UBIS (United Business Institutes Switzerland) Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program stands out as a transformative educational experience that equips doctoral candidates with the tools and opportunities to create a positive impact in their communities. This article explores the four pillars of the UBIS DBA program, highlighting its emphasis on customizable dissertation topics, personalized advising, hybrid education, publication-focused research, and the goal of making a lasting impact through knowledge sharing.

  1. Customizable Dissertation Topics and Personalized Advising: At UBIS, the DBA program recognizes the importance of empowering students to pursue their passions and interests. Doctoral candidates are provided with the opportunity to refine, focus, and craft a unique dissertation topic that aligns with their academic and professional goals. The program’s faculty members work closely with each candidate, offering personalized advising and guidance throughout the research process. This approach ensures that the dissertation not only meets rigorous academic standards but also reflects the candidate’s unique focus and passion.
  2. Hybrid Education – Online and Abroad: Recognizing the need for flexibility and a balanced educational approach, UBIS offers a hybrid learning environment for DBA students. The program combines highly engaging online learning opportunities with customizable pacing, allowing career-focused professionals to enhance their professional brand while maintaining their professional commitments. Additionally, for those seeking a truly immersive academic experience, UBIS provides the chance to participate in two study abroad excursions each year. This international exposure enriches students’ global knowledge and expands their worldview, enhancing their ability to lead in diverse contexts.
  3. Publication-Focused Research: UBIS believes in the power of research to shape the personal and professional brand of doctoral candidates. The DBA program incorporates a publication-focused approach, encouraging students to disseminate their research findings to wider audiences. Through Faculty Symposiums, doctoral students have the opportunity to present their work in progress and engage with peers and faculty members in a supportive environment. Moreover, candidates may participate in Colloquium Webinars featuring keynote speakers, providing invaluable networking opportunities. Exceptional candidates might even be selected to present as keynote speakers at UBIS events, further enhancing their visibility and influence.
  4. Make an Impact – Share Your Knowledge: UBIS aims to equip doctoral graduates with the necessary skills to make a lasting impact and effectively communicate their knowledge. The DBA program offers a seminar series on Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques, providing candidates with the tools to become effective educators and communicators. By honing their professional speaking and academic communication skills, graduates are better prepared to engage with various stakeholders and share their expertise. For those aspiring to pursue a faculty track, UBIS may award select candidates the opportunity to join the esteemed faculty, enabling them to continue making an impact through teaching and mentoring.

Conclusion: The UBIS DBA program stands as a beacon for aspiring change agents who seek a transformative educational experience. Through its four pillars of customizable dissertation topics and personalized advising, hybrid education, publication-focused research, and knowledge sharing, the program equips doctoral candidates with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities needed to become effective leaders and agents of positive change. UBIS’s commitment to individual growth, global perspectives, and impactful research sets it apart as an institution that fosters the development of passionate and influential scholars who will shape the future of their industries and communities.

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