The Social Media Dilemma: Lost Years or Valuable Lessons? - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

The Social Media Dilemma: Lost Years or Valuable Lessons?


In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, share information, and even shape our identities. However, as we delve deeper into the digital realm, it’s essential to reflect on the impact of this engagement. A recent estimation suggests that the average person will spend about 6 years and 8 months on social media throughout their lifetime. Surprisingly, this timespan is almost equivalent to the duration required to attain a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. In this blog, we will explore the implications of spending such a significant portion of our lives on social media.

The Social Media Time Sink:

Social media platforms, with their constant flow of updates, captivating content, and potential for social validation, have successfully captured our attention. It’s no secret that many of us find ourselves scrolling mindlessly through feeds for extended periods. According to Broadband Search, the estimated 6 years and 8 months spent on social media highlights the sheer magnitude of this time sink.

Education Versus Social Media:

Attaining a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree requires a considerable investment of time, effort, and intellectual growth. These degrees represent significant milestones in one’s educational journey, fostering personal development, critical thinking, and specialized knowledge. Astonishingly, the time spent on social media throughout a lifetime equates to the duration of acquiring these two degrees.

A Shift in Priorities:

Considering the comparable time frames, we are prompted to contemplate the choices we make regarding our time allocation. While education equips individuals with valuable skills and knowledge, social media predominantly offers a temporary sense of connection and instant gratification. This stark contrast begs the question: are we investing our time wisely?

The Value of Education:

Obtaining a bachelor’s and a master’s degree signifies academic achievement and opens doors to various career opportunities. These degrees foster personal growth, expand horizons, and enable individuals to make meaningful contributions to society. The time invested in education is often rewarded with long-term benefits, both personally and professionally.

The Impact of Social Media:

On the other hand, spending a significant portion of our lives on social media raises concerns about its impact on our well-being, mental health, and relationships. While social media provides a platform for self-expression, information sharing, and connection, it can also be a breeding ground for comparison, anxiety, and addictive behaviors. The potential trade-offs between time spent on social media and its impact on other aspects of our lives warrant a closer examination.

Finding a Balance:

Acknowledging the allure and importance of social media, it is crucial to strike a balance between online engagement and other meaningful endeavors. By managing our time effectively, we can maximize the benefits of social media while avoiding its potential pitfalls. Allocating time for education, pursuing hobbies, building face-to-face relationships, and engaging in physical activities are essential components of a well-rounded life.


The estimation that an average person will spend 6 years and 8 months on social media throughout their lifetime serves as a sobering reminder of the influence these platforms have on our lives. While social media has undoubtedly become an integral part of our existence, we must reflect on the opportunity costs associated with excessive usage. By investing our time wisely in education, personal growth, and real-world experiences, we can ensure that the time spent on social media becomes a catalyst for positive change rather than a decade lost to virtual distractions.


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