UBIS Geneva Students Shine at IUCN Leaders Forum - A Remarkable Experience - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

UBIS Geneva Students Shine at IUCN Leaders Forum – A Remarkable Experience

In the heart of Geneva, the prestigious International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recently hosted its second edition of the IUCN Leaders Forum. This highly anticipated event took place from October 11th to the 13th, 2023, at the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG). What made this edition truly remarkable was the enthusiastic participation of seven exceptional students from UBIS Geneva.

Michael Kwakye-Mensah, Housain Bojang, Michael Apoh, Phoung Vo Thuan, An Nguyen Quoc, Samrawit Yilma, and Harmonie Bobunda Mata, all representing UBIS, took on the role of dedicated volunteers for the IUCN Leaders Forum. Their participation was a testament to their commitment to environmental conservation and their desire to contribute to the success of this prestigious event.

The IUCN was actively seeking volunteers based in the Geneva region who could assist not only during the event but also in the days leading up to it. These students eagerly rose to the occasion, seizing the opportunity to be part of something bigger and make a significant impact.

But what was in it for these remarkable UBIS students? The IUCN offered them a range of benefits for their valuable contribution:

  1. Complimentary Access to Forum Sessions: When not on duty, the students had the privilege of attending the Leaders Forum sessions. This allowed them to gain insights from influential environmental leaders and experts.
  2. Opportunities for Learning and Networking: The IUCN Leaders Forum provided a unique platform for these students to network and build connections with individuals who are leading the way in the conservation of nature. They had the chance to interact with professionals, ask questions, and gain valuable insights.
  3. Free Meals on Volunteering Days: The IUCN recognized the dedication of these student volunteers by providing them with free meals on the days they were actively volunteering. This ensured they had the energy and sustenance to carry out their responsibilities effectively.
  4. Volunteer Certificate: To commemorate their involvement and dedication, each of the students received a volunteer certificate, which is a testament to their contribution and commitment to the cause.

These UBIS students took on a variety of essential roles and responsibilities during the forum:

  • Welcoming and Assisting Participants: They played a crucial role in welcoming and assisting event participants, addressing their inquiries and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all.
  • Forum Sessions and Summary Reports: When not actively volunteering, they had the opportunity to attend forum sessions, where they gained insights and knowledge. They were also responsible for creating concise summary reports of these sessions.
  • Managing Participant Badges: They efficiently scanned and managed participant badges at various venue and session entrances, ensuring secure access to the event.
  • Supporting Virtual Participants: In today’s digital age, they provided support for the live streaming platform, ensuring that virtual participants could fully engage with the forum’s discussions.

The result of their hard work and dedication was a powerful blend of personal growth, invaluable networking opportunities, and a deeper understanding of conservation and sustainability. These students embraced the chance to contribute to a global cause and were able to leave their mark, not only as responsible volunteers but also as promising young minds in the field of environmental conservation.

The IUCN Leaders Forum was a platform for these UBIS students to shine, grow, and connect with colleagues who share their passion for conservation. Their experience at this remarkable event is a testament to the power of youthful enthusiasm and dedication, reminding us that the future of environmental conservation is indeed in capable hands.


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