How Learning Management Systems Can Enhance Students’ Experience - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

How Learning Management Systems Can Enhance Students’ Experience

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have been used by organisations from businesses to educational institutions for several decades now. As the use of the internet has grown and evolved in the workplace and education, so have LMSs, what they look like and how they are used. From a simple folder of documents on a shared Google Drive, to a fully integrated and bespoke online project management platform, LMSs should reflect and serve the needs of their users. In the case of universities, this is the student and staff population.

With the rise of remote learning, LMSs have become even more integral to students’ day-to-day experience of university life. The best LMSs are attractive and accessible to use, while at the same time catering to the different styles of learning and teaching that degree programmes facilitate naturally in-person. The most innovative systems allow for both collaborative, experiential work and well-supported, personalised individual study.

At UBIS, we want to ensure that our students continue to have the highest quality learning experience while working and studying from home, regardless of where in the world they are. This is why we use a range of Learning Management Systems to support our students’ digital learning. Here are just a few of the ways that we use LMSs to enhance learning and teaching across our degree programmes.

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Creating an online campus

One of the most challenging aspects of student life to recreate virtually is that of being ‘on campus’. While UBIS already offered a range of distance learning options and the opportunity to study at our partner institutions, we also have many students who choose to study at our internationally diverse campus in Geneva, Switzerland. This city location, with its thriving business sector, offers students world-class opportunities for work experience and professional networking. So how can we replicate this for our students around the world?

One way is to effectively create a central ‘campus’ space online, a platform that all students can access and benefit from, regardless of where and how they are studying. Moodle is our e-campus, giving students in Geneva and around the world a central platform to learn, research and connect with their classmates. Through Moodle, students can access course information, library resources, research databases and study guides from wherever they are. It enables them to see their grades and transcripts and track their own course progression. Moreover, Moodle supports blended learning, as well as group and collaborative work. This ensures that students can stay connected and engaged with their peers throughout their degree programmes.

A gateway to the world of work

At UBIS, we support our students with an academic experience that maintains a focus on their future professional lives. Through our courses, we emphasise the importance of gaining practical workplace experience and offer teaching from varied business perspectives. The way we use our Learning Management Systems and online platforms is no different.

UBIS students have access to JobTeaser, an online portal that exists to help students ‘work out where they want to go, unlock their talent and fulfil their potential’. Twinned with UBIS’s work placement opportunities, we like to think of JobTeaser as a gateway portal leading directly to the working world and a fulfilling professional career. Students access listings and applications for internships, placements and graduate jobs, including various opportunities abroad.

We’re committed to ensuring our students can develop a wide range of skills needed for their prospective careers. For us, it’s important that we offer our students more than just a noticeboard for jobs. Through JobTeaser, UBIS students can access a catalogue of other useful resources to support their professional development. From podcasts and interviews with industry professionals, to a year-round programme of online and in-person events, JobTeaser gives students direct access to global companies and the business leaders behind them. We know that it’s not just about finding a job. It’s also important to gain an understanding of the markets, companies and people around you.

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Enriching the online learning experience

Through LMSs, our students have access to course information, research databases and a way to track their progress. They can also find work experience placements and job opportunities. This may be adequate for a learning experience that ticks the main boxes of completing coursework, achieving a degree and entering the jobs market. At UBIS, we want to offer our students a world-class academic experience, not simply an adequate one. We know that there is still an opportunity to further enhance students’ online learning. That is where Cengage comes in.

Cengage is an online educational platform that put learners at the centre. It enhances course content to make it easier for students to learn, building confidence and momentum towards future goals. Cengage facilitates online learning through assignments, reading, quizzes and other content to suit a range of learning styles. Students can get immediate feedback on how they are progressing. This enables them to see where there may be gaps in their learning and understanding straight away.

Our faculty staff can also see how our students are progressing, both at an individual and class-wide level. This in turn supports course planning, enabling staff to know where they can cover content in more detail. It also gives our staff a better understanding of who they might need to reach out to individually. Through Cengage, they can also see who they can pair up to encourage knowledge-sharing and peer support. Cengage provides staff and students with the data to strengthen class culture and promote a collaborative, dynamic online workspace.

Committed to excellence – online and in person

While we are still adapting to the ever-changing global educational landscape, UBIS remains committed to providing our students with world-class teaching and learning. We are ensuring our students and staff remain connected, motivated and supported through the Learning Management Systems that we use, both now and as we move into the next phase of blended and in-person learning. If you want to find out more about how UBIS can support you in the next steps of your education journey, click here to connect with one of our Global Admissions Representatives. We can’t wait to welcome you into the UBIS family – wherever you are in the world.

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