Meet Michael Selorm Apoh - Student Feature - UBIS University of Business Innovation and Sustainability

Meet Michael Selorm Apoh – Student Feature

Today we’re introducing you to Michael Selorm Apoh, a vibrant member of our community, who’s brought his unique perspective and passion to UBIS.

Name: Michael Selorm Apoh

Program and Graduation Date: Michael is pursuing a Master’s in IT with a focus on cybersecurity and is set to graduate in December 2024.

Why UBIS: Michael was introduced to UBIS by an acquaintance who shared the course catalog. He was drawn to UBIS because of its well-rounded and interesting programs, especially the combination of business systems and cybersecurity.

Favorite Subject at UBIS: Michael’s favorite subject at UBIS is MIT608 Programming for Business Analysis.

Post-UBIS Plans: After graduation, Michael plans to find a high-paying job and embark on a world-traveling adventure.

Heroes: Michael’s heroes are his parents, who inspire him with their resilience and ability to face adversity with a smile. His dad has also been a significant influence, teaching him about cars and life in general.

Surprises in Switzerland: Switzerland has surprised Michael in every way, from its diverse cultures to the people, sports, and even the realization that speaking English isn’t always enough.

Hobbies: Michael enjoys video games, playing basketball, watching movies and TV shows, and occasional reading. He’s also taken a liking to barbecuing in the summer.

Summer Weekend Nights: On a summer weekend night, you’ll find Michael grilling and engaging in meaningful conversations with friends.

Favorite Food: Michael is a self-proclaimed foodie who loves everything. No picky eaters here!

Ice Cream Preference: He prefers vanilla ice cream with crushed Oreos – a classic choice with a delightful twist.

Scariest Experience: Hiking a steep and slippery trail stands out as the scariest thing Michael has done so far.

Dream Destination: Michael dreams of visiting Finland or Norway to witness the mesmerizing Aurora Borealis.

Home Country Tradition: Michael would love to share the tradition of the Naming Ceremony (Outdooring) from his home country. It’s a special event that takes place on the eighth day after a child is born, where the baby is introduced to the ancestors and receives blessings from God and the elders.

Must-Keep Apps: If Michael had to keep only three apps on his phone, he’d choose Snapchat, Twitter, and Spotify.

Best Advice: His favorite piece of advice is, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” This quote perfectly reflects his adventurous spirit.

Michael Selorm Apoh is just one of the many fascinating students at UBIS. We hope you enjoyed getting to know him a little better. Stay tuned for more student spotlights in the future!

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