The Information Technology Management Micro-credential is for professionals determined to improve their leadership and managerial skills relative to information technology across all business sectors. The program provides executives with the knowledge required to ensure that they have a strong foundation relative to managing personnel, business processes, key systems and projects in Information Technology that drives organizational function. It introduces students to tools, techniques and best practices of successful managers providing technical and business skills to function effectively.
MNG 608 – The Management of Technology and Innovation (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MIT 614 – Fundamentals of Business Intelligence (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MIT 616 – Information Security, Privacy and Compliance (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
MIT 662 – Information Technology Investment (3 Credits US/6 Credits ECTS)
Key Features
Four Courses – 12 US Credit Hours.
Can be completed in 4 to 6 months.
Fully online with ability to take 1 or 2 courses at a time.
Tuition = $5400
Transferrable into designated graduate programs as a concentration.